My name is William A. Watson, II. I've worked in Aluminum, Defense, Automotive and Agriculture industries, and in varying positions and responsibilities. My skills and abilities allow me to fit into almost any industry that is looking to improve their business and engineering processes.
My computer and internet skills also provide customers with WEB site development, launch and maintenance as well as computer installations and configurations.
My expertise is in what I would call the business of business, Lean and Configuration Management. My focus is on how to improve a company's business processes and actions in an effort to remove waste, and improve information accessibility and promote faster and better decision making. My training and certifications in Lean and CMII have allowed me to accomplish successful business process changes and PLM and ERP implementations. These successes have allowed the companies to make faster and better informed business and product decisions, both improving the bottom line and their ability to respond to the market or customer.
In addition to these industries I also do vehicle restorations, customizations and repairs as well. My vehicle specializations focus on Dodge Power Wagons and Military vehicles as well as Jeeps.